HOME BLOG How To Install A Huge Fermentation Tank In A Small Building

How To Install A Huge Fermentation Tank In A Small Building


Installing a huge fermentation tank in a small building can be challenging, but it is possible with careful planning and execution. Here are some steps to follow:

Check the building’s structural integrity: Before installing a large fermentation tank, you need to ensure that the building can support the weight of the tank, as well as the weight of the liquid it will contain. Consult with a structural engineer to determine if any additional reinforcement is required.

Measure the dimensions of the tank: Measure the height, width, and length of the fermentation tank. Make sure there is enough space in the building to accommodate the tank, leaving enough room for workers to move around it.

Check the access points: Make sure that the building has enough access points for the fermentation tank. You will need a large door to bring the tank into the building, and sufficient space around the building for a crane or other lifting equipment to maneuver.

Plan the installation process: Work with a professional installation company to develop a detailed installation plan. This should include how the fermentation tank will be moved into the building, how it will be lifted into place, and how it will be secured.

Prepare the site: Clear the area around the building and make sure there is enough space for the crane or other lifting equipment. Also, ensure that the area is level and free from debris.

Bring in the tank: Using the installation plan, carefully move the tank into the building. Use a crane or other lifting equipment to lift the tank into place. Once the fermentation tank is in position, secure it to the building’s structure to prevent it from moving.

Connect the tank: Connect the fermentation tank to the necessary pipes, electrical connections, and other equipment needed for fermentation.

Test the tank: Before use, test the fermentation tank to make sure it is working properly and that there are no leaks.

Evaluate the space: Before you begin, assess the size of the fermentation tank and the available space in the building. Measure the dimensions of the tank and compare it to the dimensions of the room. Consider the height of the tank and whether there is enough vertical clearance to accommodate it.

Secure the tank: Once the fermentation tank is in place, secure it to prevent movement or tipping. Use bolts, brackets, or other hardware to secure the tank to the floor or walls.

Use specialized equipment: Use specialized equipment, such as a crane or forklift, to lift the tank into place. Make sure the equipment is rated to handle the weight of the tank.

By following these steps, you can successfully install a huge fermentation tank in a small building. However, it is important to consult with professionals to ensure the process is carried out safely and effectively.